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- Back pain caused by Pelvic Tilt
Pelvic tilt: Pelvic tilt is the orientation of the pelvis (hip bone) with respect to the other part of the body. Pelvic tilt can happen forward, backward or side to side also. They are named as anterior, posterior, lateral pelvic tilt respectively. Causes-Pelvic tilt happens due to two reasons one is mechanical and other is anatomical. Mechanical can happen due to the wrong posture, or due to muscle imbalance. Anatomical reason can be due to structural abnormalities eg changes in limb length will also cause lateral pelvic tilt. Pelvic tilt associated with back pain: Pelvic tilt is one of the causes of back pain. When the pelvis is aligned in a neutral position weight is distributed and balanced evenly upon the vertebrates and discs of the spine. As a result, the injury is less likely to happen. If the pelvis is tilted forward or backward, the weight distribution gets disturbs and effects the surrounding area too. Individuals whose pelvis tilts either forwards or backward are therefore more likely to experience back pain due to excessive pressure and muscle imbalances that occur with pelvic tilt abnormalities. How to avoid pelvic tilt: Prevention is better than cure. So, let’s talk about how to prevent pelvic tilt caused by mechanical conditions Maintain a good posture Do full-body stretches, stretch the tight muscle Strengthen your weak muscles Activate your inactive muscles How to correct a pelvic tilt: Pelvic tilt can be corrected by stretching the tight muscle and strengthening the weak muscle.This will help you to maintain the muscle balance and in turn, you will also be able to maintain a good posture too. Let's discuss one by one. 1)Anterior pelvic tilt Without going into too many details lets point out the muscles to be targeted Tight/overactive muscles: Hip flexors, Tensor Fascia Lata, quadriceps, Lower back erectors, Thoracolumbar fascia Weak/inhibited muscles: Gluteal group, Hamstring, Abdominals, Obliques 2) Posterior pelvic tilt Tight/overactive muscles: Hamstring Gluteal group Abdominal Weak/Elongated: Hip flexor group Lumbar spine erector group 3) Lateral pelvic tilt A Lateral pelvic tilt can result from an imbalance between the Quadratus Lumborum, Adductors and Glute medius muscle. Other muscles involved: Obliques, Tensor fascia latae Conditions related to pelvic tilt Scoliosis Lordosis Kyphosis Back pain Sciatica Leg pain Treatment plan for back pain due to tilted pelvis will be as follows Our first aim is to reduce the inflammation or pain in the area. This can be done through various electro modalities, ice pack and hot packs depending on the condition. Secondly, we have to find out the root cause of the tilt through different assessment and test. Finally, treat the root cause through rehabilitating the muscles again. If all the above are taken care your back pain and your pelvic tilt can be corrected by an efficient physiotherapist. Curis 360 will take care of all the above and not only give you a pain-free back but also will give you a strong back/core too. For further details contact Curis 360 physiotherapy and fitness clinic.