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Dr. Aparna Kakoti

The Pes anserine bursa is a fluid filled sac located 2 to 3 inches below inner side of the knee. It lies beneath the 3 tendons of Hamstring muscles. It prevents tendons from rubbing with the shin bone of lower leg. If there is constant friction or stress in bursa due to certain position, motion or some disease it irritates the bursa and hence causes inflammation(bursitis). It is usually painful.

COMMONLY SEEN IN: Young adults involved in sports(running, swimming) Women who are Obese People suffering from Osteoarthritis Commonly associated with type 2 Diabetes

CAUSES: Repetitive activities Osteoarthritis Obesity Injury to knee Poor sports training techniques( lack of stretching, uphill training without working on strength) Incorrect positioning of knee Sudden knee twisting with foot planted on ground Tight Hamstrings Flat feet Tear of knee cartilage

SYMPTOMS: Pain and swelling in inner part of knee(2-3 inches below knee joint) Pain on bending and straightening of knee Tenderness(pain on touching) Pain on walking, climbing stairs, sitting down and rising from chair

DIAGNOSIS: Mechanism of injury Symptoms X ray

PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT: Physiotherapists at Curis360 will design treatment plan according to specific cause that will help to speed up recovery. If it has happened due to injury following things to be taken care during the first 24 to 48 hours- Rest. Avoid walking and other activities that causes pain Ice therapy. Apply ice for 15 to 20 mins every 2 hours Consult physician for further medication For chronic pain physiotherapist will design a treatment protocol for pain management( electrotherapy), flexibility( stretching exercises), strength training, knee movement exercises.

TREATMENT GOALS: To reduce swelling and pain To improve joint motion To improve flexibility To improve strength To improve balance To speed up recovery Return to activities Surgery if required

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